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En bref :

nano /etc/apt/sources.list
#Ajouter "non-free" à la fin des lignes
agi firmware-linux-nonfree

The default installation of Debian doesn’t include proprietary packages or drivers. So after a fresh install, you may experience a lack of hardware functionality because non-free firmware isn’t installed. It can however be changed, here’s how :
Editer la Debian repository list pour ajouter le mot « non-free » à la fin de chaque ligne

sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list

Then update :

sudo apt-get update

Now, the installation of non-free drivers/blobs will be supported. To install such firmware blobs :

sudo apt-get install firmware-linux-nonfree

Reboot to apply the changes.

All done.

linux/installation/how_to_install_non-free_packages_in_debian.txt · Dernière modification : 2022/09/03 17:07 de tutospisto