====== Pour les partitions ====== ===== DISQUE OS (80Go) ===== * Swap en début de disque (accès plus rapide) : 8Go * / sur le reste du disque : 72Go ===== DISQUE HOME (2To) ===== * /home sur tout le disque : 2To ===== DISQUE VAR (8To) ===== * /var sur tout le disque : 8To ====== Pour le choix de l’environnement de bureau ====== xfce vs mate vs cinnamon … ? :/ Xfce offre moins de fonctionnalités mais il est plus stable et léger… pour un serveur c’est optionnel donc ça suffira :p ====== Petit soucis avec les partitions /var et /home dont les disques n’étaient pas reconnus ====== Tutoriel suivi : https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-move-var-directory-to-another-partition Your /var directory has filled up and you are left with with no free disk space available. This is a typical scenario which can be easily fixed by mounting your /var directory on different partition. Let’s get started by attaching new storage, partitioning and creating a desired file system. The exact steps may vary and are not part of this config article. Once ready obtain partition UUID of your new var partition eg. /dev/sdc1: blkid | grep sdc1 /dev/sdc1: UUID="1de46881-1f49-440e-89dd-6c32592491a7" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="652a2fee-01" mkdir /mnt/newvar mount /dev/sdc1 /mnt/newvar Confirm that it is mounted. Note, your output will be different: df -h /mnt/newvar Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/sdc1 1.8T 1.6T 279G 85% /mnt/newvar Copy current /var data to the new location: rsync -aqxP /var/* /mnt/newvar Unmount new partition: umount /mnt/newvar/ /mnt/var/ Edit your /etc/fstab to include new partition and choosing a relevant file-system: UUID=1de46881-1f49-440e-89dd-6c32592491a7 /var ext4 defaults 0 2 Reboot your system and you are done. Confirm that everything is working correctly and optionally remove old var directory by booting to some Live Linux system etc.